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Dieted Daughters Workshop

A Dieted Daughter is a young girl who was told their body was not ok and put on a diet by the adults in their lives. This creates a dynamic of trauma that is often manifested in the disconnection from body signals, distrust in ourselves, struggles with being vulnerable and asking for what we need, people pleasing and avoidance of intimacy.

Do You?

1) Wake up every morning scanning your body and wishing it was thinner?

2) Do you pick apart your body noticing all the aspects that you don’t like?

3) Do you feel in a constant battle with food?

4) Do you struggle with trusting people as you just know they won’t like you if they knew you?

5) Do you feel you have to overcompensate because of your weight: have to be smart, kinds, thoughtful to make up for being in a larger body?

6) Do you feel that you are constantly being judged by your looks and appearance?

7) Do you usually say yes when you want to say no?

If any of these questions were answered “Yes” this program is designed for you!

I want you to learn more about what happened and why things are the way they are. We will deconstruct it all and allow healing for those parts that have felt they needed to hide and allow you to come home into who you are, connect again with yourself and your body and others!

This virtual workshop is 8 weeks long with our group sessions running from3 pm- 5 pm

Investment: $225

Please note that this is not group therapy, it is designed for you to do your unique work with group support in a structured workshop format. It is not a billable service to insurance.